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1. Our business is built on relationships, not transactions.
2. We will always tell you the truth. If we know the answer to a question, we will tell you the answer. If we don't know the answer, we will take the necessary steps to find out the correct information and get back to you. That's what makes us professionals.
What makes us different? When you choose to work with us, you're not just getting agents who use the best tools and technology to sell your property for the most amount of money in the least amount of time. You're getting transparency and instant communication throughout the entire process, so you can relax knowing every detail is taken care of. We are also innovators... Let me explain. We know the type of people that live, work, shop, own business, and most importantly, want to buy real estate in your area. We target market these people in the most effective way possible (we can't tell you all our secrets online, but would love to explain in person).
Let's face it. 92% of home buyers start online, and if they see a listing with iPhone photos of a dark room taken vertically.... they move on, as they should. We allow buyers to see your home in it's best light (literally). And according to home buyers, floor plans are the 2nd most important feature on a listing.
We highlight the best features of your home, and everything we know the new buyer is going to love about it. Don't take our word for it, see for yourself. These videos are target marketed across all platforms.
We stage, we order your house inspection, we set real expectations, and do everything within our ability to make sure the process is stress free.
The right price for your property is not determined by any agent or seller - it's determined by current market conditions. We plug into rich, up-to-date MLS data to select active, pending, and sold properties that are comparable to your home. Combined with our in-depth knowledge of market statistics, this method assures we market your property correctly so that your listing sells when you want for the price you deserve.
We'll discuss your goals, situation, and objectives in order to present you with the best plan of action.
From there, we'll work together to build you a comprehensive game plan to ensure your goals are met in a timely manner.
Nicholas Miele | DRE #02089615
12860 El Camino Real, San Diego, CA 92101
Compass | DRE #01527365
© 2022 Nicholas Miele – All rights reserved. I am not an attorney and cannot provide legal or tax advice. Please consult with an attorney or CPA for such matters. If you need help finding providers for these or any other related services, I can help with recommendations and references.
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